Neighborhood Flowers
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Michael Reining Blog

I enjoy sharing my photos with you. When you like my photos, I’m glad you recognize and appreciate the images that inspire me. My goal is to turn my little hobby into an income source. Even if it just starts as a side hustle, every journey begins with one step. Click on each photo for a full size version and more information.

Neighborhood Flowers (2 Pictures)
Neighborhood Flowers (2 Pictures)

Just a couple of random images from my walks in the neighborhood. First, a daylily, taken at the Burlingame Caltrain station. Next a Bird of Paradise in Palo Alto. Both were taken on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10+


no people, Burlingame CA, Palo Alto CA outdoors, color image, horizontal image, bokeh, flower, flora, garden, daylily, Hemerocallis fulva, Bird of Paradise, Strelitzia reginae, orange, red, yellow, green

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