Western Gull mama and chicks. Nesting on the dock at...
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Michael Reining Blog

I enjoy sharing my photos with you. When you like my photos, I’m glad you recognize and appreciate the images that inspire me. My goal is to turn my little hobby into an income source. Even if it just starts as a side hustle, every journey begins with one step. Click on each photo for a full size version and more information.

Western Gull mama and chicks.
Western Gull mama and chicks.

Western Gull mama and chicks. Nesting on the dock at Homer, Alaska.

Here’s a throwback image from 2014. I was the chef on board a fish processing vessel in Alaska. We were docked for a few days in Homer, Alaska. Looking over the side of the boat, I saw a lot of small spaces in the superstructure of the dock occupied by seagull nests. This nest was on top of the dock on the edge where this mama had her chicks and nest tucked under the railing. We were there long enough to see a couple of the chicks fledge, unfortunately, I wasn’t able to capture that. But this was a cute picture.

Inspiring you with fresh new images. Of course, my intention is to use the internet to help monetize my hobby. That is to say, help me create an income from my hobby. On my website I sell copies of my images, also merchandise including gift cards and a calendar. I’m adding another way for you to help monetize my hobby - well, more than a hobby. It’s called Buy Me Coffee. If you like my posts to my blog, you can buy me a coffee. Want to ask a specific question? Buy me a coffee and let's chat. Want to join me on a photoshoot? Buy me a coffee. Want to just be nice and appreciative of my work, Buy me a coffee. 

The app is super simple. Just a couple clicks to a secure server and you’re done. No fuss. 


Visit my portfolio to view and purchase my images, and merchandise



#bird #chicks #nest #seagull #westernseagull #Larusoccidentalis #cutebabies #mama #alaska #homeralaska #instagood #photography #morethanahobby #michaelreiningimages

Canon EOS Rebel T3, 300mm, 1/200, f/13, ISO 400



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